If FontLab behaves strangely, sometimes resetting the app preferences may help. First, you can use the "hamburger" menu in the Preferences dialog to reset all settings to their defaults. You get that by clicking on the button with the three horizontal lines:

If that doesn’t help, you can also do it manually by removing the preferences file. Removing the preferences file will reset menus, the list of recent files, custom workspaces, loaded files for phrases and pairs, opened panels, view settings, recent settings in the Export Font, Open Font etc. dialogs, bookmarks in the Font window, custom brushes etc.


All Fontlab apps keep their preferences in the user's ~/Library/Preferences folder. To remove the preferences file correctly:

0. Quit the application (FontLab VI, Fontlab Studio, TypeTool, etc.).

1. Open the folder ~/Library/Preferences/. The user's Library folder is hidden. But you can reach it using the Finder's Go menu with the Alt key pressed.

2. Find the corresponding file with the .plist extension starting with "com.fontlab". For example, FontLab VI keeps preferences in com.fontlab.fontlabVI.plist.

3. Move the file into the Trash.

4. Run Terminal, put the following command after the prompt and press Return:

killall -u $(whoami) cfprefsd

Explanation of step 4: macOS caches preferences (since 10.9). The service doing the caching is called "cfprefsd". Thus, after you delete (or change) the plist file you need to run the above command in the Terminal window. Otherwise macOS will restore the cached preferences.


On Windows, preferences reside in the system registry. To wipe preferences out from the registry:

0.  Quit the application (FontLab VI, Fontlab Studio, TypeTool, etc.).

1. Run the utility for editing system registry regedit.exe.

2. In the left part of Regedit window, open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Fontlab section.

3. Click on the section called "Studio 5" or "fontlabVI" or whatever prefs you want to remove and choose Edit > Delete (or press the Del key).

4. Confirm deletion of the section.