
When I export the font, many glyphs are clipped or appear oversized or too small compared to other fonts


You can correct this in several ways. Go to File > Font Info > Family Dimensions

  1.  Click Units Per eM > Change, and choose Change only UPM value. The UPM value that gets scaled to the font size that you choose in an end-user app. Enter a new UPM Value and click OK > OK.  
    • If the new UPM value is larger than the current UPM value — all glyphs will appear smaller
    • If the new UPM value is smaller than the current UPM value — all glyphs will appear larger
  2. Change the Safe top to a larger value, and/or change the Safe bottom to a larger absolute value (i.e. lower, since the value is negative). The Safe top/bottom fields define the “clipping area” for glyph portions in some apps on Windows. They also define the linespacing in some older Windows apps, so a larger distance between them will also increase the line height. 
  3. Change the Ascender, Descender and Line gap values to define new line height that most apps will use.

In Font Info > Other Values

  • Make sure to turn on Prefer typo metrics. This will ensure that newer Windows apps will use the line height defined by Ascender, Descender and Line gap. If you turn it off, they will use the line height defined by Safe top and Safe bottom.
  • Turn off Custom hhea linespacing to ensure the same line height on macOS and Windows. Or turn it on, and enter your custom hhea Ascender, Descender and Line Gap that will be used on macOS.